10-jähriges Jubiläum
Klaus Feldmeier, Sebastian Schwob, Frank Janzen, Sebastian Kluthe, Stefan Esders

We would like to congratulate our employees Frank Janzen and Sebastian Kluthe on their 10th anniversary at Esders!

Sebastian works in our service department and is responsible for service scheduling. Without him, it would not be possible to train new colleagues so smoothly. He completed his training as an electronics technician for devices and systems at Esders in 2018 and is now supporting our trainees in their first year of training.

Frank is a trained electronic technician for office information systems and works in our production department on the Delta line. He has been a trainer since 2013 and also supports our electronics technician trainees for devices and systems and was Sebastian’s trainer at the time.😄 Every year, he prepares our trainees for their exams in the best possible way.

We thank both of you for the many years of cooperation and look forward to many more years with you in our team!