
We are pleased to announce that we have successfully completed the re-certification process for our ATEX-compliant products and are now in possession of a new ATEX certificate. In addition, we have renewed our ISO 9001 certificate for our certified quality management system. These certifications once again confirm that our products meet the high safety standards of the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU and the strict requirements of ISO 9001 and can continue to be used safely and reliably in potentially explosive atmospheres.

ATEX certification and ISO 9001 certification are key components of our commitment to quality and safety. They ensure that our certified products function reliably even in the most demanding environments and fulfil the strict European standards.

The re-certification process was comprehensive and included a detailed review of our products, production processes and quality controls by an independent notified body. Thanks to the excellent work of our team and our continuous investment in advanced technologies and training, we were able to successfully fulfil all requirements.


Zertifikate ATEX und ISO 2024-2027

What does this mean for us?

Safety and reliability: Our certified devices continue to offer maximum safety in potentially explosive atmospheres, which is appreciated by our customers and partners worldwide.

Market access: With the new ATEX certificate, we can continue to offer our products on the European market and thus secure our competitiveness.

Trust and quality: These re-certifications emphasise our continuous pursuit of excellence and our commitment to providing our customers with products of the highest quality. We would like to thank all the departments involved for their dedication and commitment that led to this success. Together we are committed to maintaining our high standards and continuing to focus on innovative and safe solutions.