
Our ethics code

ethics code

We are family-friendly Technoholics who like to go forward. We develop fantastic plans for the future and enjoy and appreciate life in the northwest of Germany. From this alone, we naturally derive values according to which we work together on a daily basis.


Family friendliness and collegiality are part of our everyday working life and lead to a very pleasant working atmosphere. We stand for an open culture of discussion and constructive criticism. We treat each other with respect and encourage a willingness to change.


We treat each other with mindfulness, fairness and friendliness – regardless of hierarchy. We listen. We treat our employees with care and consideration.


We communicate politely, openly and clearly with our customers and colleagues.


We take responsibility for what we do. We guarantee that the applicable laws, such as the German General Equality Act (Allgemeines Gleichstellungsgesetz), legal standards and internal regulations are observed.


The health and well-being of our colleagues is extremely important to us. This is reflected in the furnishing of the workplaces and the extensive access to physiotherapeutic treatment.


The safety of our employees is our top priority. We scrupulously follow all regulations on safety at work.

Sustainability and environmental protection

With our measurement technology and our measuring devices, we make a contribution to conserving finite resources and increasing safety in everyday life. We conserve our resources – for example water, energy or working materials and try to avoid waste. We are actively involved in environmental protection projects.



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