Device options Option EN 805
Option EN 805 - 222615
Option EN 805
Menu-driven test procedures for pressure tests on water pipes according to rules and regulations of EN 805 (Europe):
- Contraction procedure
- Normal procedure
Set of rules EN 805
The European standard EN 805 specifies the "Requirements for water supply systems and their components outside buildings". It has the status of a German standard and is regarded as a superordinate European set of rules that should also be incorporated into national sets of rules, e.g. DVGW Code of Practice W 400-2.
EN 805 regulates not only the construction, but also the commissioning of water pipeline systems. The commissioning of water pipelines requires, similar to worksheet W 400-2, a final water pressure test to ensure the tightness or proper design of the pipelines and other pipeline parts. There are two types of test procedures in EN 805:
Standard procedure - applicable to all pipelines
Contraction procedure - pressure test procedure for thermoplastic pipelines made of PE, PVC-U and PVC-O.
Option EN 805
Our pressure test devices, e.g. the smart memo, contain menu-guided sequences for carrying out tests in accordance with various regulations. The smart memo guides you through the test in an automated sequence, displays measurement data and progressions, and stores and documents all relevant test data. This enables error-free, simple and regulation-compliant execution of the test.
The EN 805 option for the smart memo includes automated test procedures for the pressure drop method:
EN 805 contraction method
EN 805 standard method
Option EN 805 can additionally be used with an extra temperature sensor (EDS2-T) and/or with an extra digital water meter (EDS2-V). In addition, the "smart MPP" option is supported so that automated tests and a determination of the residual air in the pipeline (air volume determination) are possible through remote control of the motor test pump.