Option LTE-GPS smart memo - 262312
With the LTE data transmission option or with the Esders Connect App, you have two different methods of sending all relevant measurement data directly to your workplace. For devices with integrated LTE-/GPS module you do not need to use a smartphone or tablet. For devices without LTE-/GPS module (e.g. GasTest delta3) you use the Esders Connect App on your smartphone or tablet for data transmission.
You can send test reports directly from the construction site by e-mail and import measured data directly into your system via an interface.
Receive test report as PDF by e-mail
The complete installation and setup is limited to entering an e-mail address conveniently using the touch display in the device. The finished reports are then sent directly to this e-mail address as a PDF document. We can customise the test reports according to your needs, and also you can insert your company logo and additional data by using Esders Connect. You can find the how-to guide in our Q&A section under "How do I change the master data of device groups"?
Data import
In the course of digitalisation, it is necessary to document the work carried out without any discontinuities. We will be happy to support you in this and provide you with the measurement data in a machine-readable format in addition to the PDF report.
This is currently possible by e-mail or by REST. The abbreviation REST stands for Representational State Transfer and describes a simple architectural principle of an interface on the Internet for exchanging data (based on HTTP protocol).
An example of programming for a server that receives the data and stores it on the hard disk is available here on our website. You have to imagine it like a mailbox, which you only provide to us. You send us the address of this mailbox and we send you the data. You then retrieve the data from the mailbox and evaluate it according to your needs.
Or you can present us with a solution which we will then discuss with you individually and implement according to the time and effort involved. We prefer the REST interface because we already have it and it is easy to implement for your IT. The data of the mobile data acquisition (MDE) is also transferred, as with our Bluetooth solution. This means that the data can be sent digitally directly from the construction site to your company.
Here is the direct link to Esders REST.
Data transfer
How do you transfer data via LTE?
Below a short explanation in the video with our smart memo: