
Our seminars

Our seminars

For our German-speaking customers we offer workshops and seminars in Haselünne at our headquarters on a regular basis.

If you are interested in a seminar in English, please contact us.

The training area in Haselünne

Our training centre in Haselünne offers air-conditioned training rooms with state-of-the-art presentation technology. Equipped with test tracks, installation walls and our complete measuring technology, it fulfils all requirements for practical, successful training.

We want to make sure that you can make the best possible use of our devices and equipment. Our workshops and seminars should deepen your knowledge and simplify the use of our devices. There is also the possibility that we come to you. In your home environment or at your workplace, it offers the advantage of being able to carry out practical exercises on existing tasks. If you are interested, we can also offer special training courses for your company, so do not hesitate to contact us.

Martin Esders

Martin Esders
Managing Director,
International Sales Manager

Kersten Burke

Kersten Burke
Technical Advice



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